Monday, March 24, 2008

Through the Monitor

Originally uploaded by aussie259772

Setting up one of our jib shots.


Originally uploaded by aussie259772

Stephen giving directions to the actors.


Stand Ins
Originally uploaded by aussie259772

Micah and Rachel act as stand-ins for the actors.


Originally uploaded by aussie259772

Setting up for Jeremy's single shot.


Originally uploaded by aussie259772

Chad and Brian on the dangerously teetering ladder.

Setting Up

Original set up
Originally uploaded by aussie259772

Starting to get lights set for shooting.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

That's a wrap!

After two long, cold nights of filming, we finished shooting for Questionable Behavior. Thursday we all arrived around 7 p.m., but didn't wrap for the night until 6 a.m. Most of us were unprepared for the weather conditions, despite helpful tips on how to stay warm. It was mostly experimenting, making the set ups longer and leaving expectations hopeful, yet cautious.

Lots of volunteers came and went, offering encouragement, exuding excitement, but ultimately expressing sympathy on the long night ahead of those obligated - yet happily so! - to stay the entire time.

After the first few rough shots as we all test the waters and inevitably make some mistakes, the night picks up quickly. The actors become more comfortable, and although the lights still take a long time, the shot list is more defined, and Stephen develops a stronger sense of exactly what he wants.

As the night progressed, the film was further given a professional feel with the addition of the jib and the dolly. Watching the shots through the monitor renewed my excitement, despite the cold and futile feeling of the long hours ahead.

Friday we arrived a bit later, and although the shot list was significantly shorter, the night was still long. Weather conditions were against us. Bone-chilling winds made the shoot uncomfortable, but mostly were a problem because of the amount of lights we lost due to extra powerful gusts. Crew then needed to attend to all the lights, decreasing the hands for help in other areas. And of course, it affected the sound. (I can't really elaborate. I don't know much about audio.) Thankfully, the snowfall didn't start until literally two minutes after we cut for the last scene.

We wrapped at 4 a.m. and left for home around 5. The editing process has already begun.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Shooting Commences

All through the night last night in freezing weather in the midst of a classic Ohio Cornfield, a dedicated cast and crew of students toiled for the sake of film.

Photos below. More later!

Through the Viewfinder

Setting Up 4
Originally uploaded by redbaerd
Chad Terpstra (DP) of Cinevera Pictures checks the shot.


Originally uploaded by redbaerd
The officer and the drunk fumble for control of the scene while director, Stephen looks on.

Rehearsal in the Monitor

Setting Up 3
Originally uploaded by redbaerd

Before Shooting Starts

Setting Up 2
Originally uploaded by redbaerd
Stephen rehearses actors Jake & Jeremy while lights and camera get set.

Setting Up

Setting Up 1
Originally uploaded by redbaerd
Getting set for the first take of the night -- a wide shot from across the road.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Some Updates

Jeremy Lewis and Jake Miller were selected to play the roles of the drunk man and police officer.

The filming location is in a rural area out past East Canton and Paris township by Edgewater Golf Course. Part of the film might be filmed on the golf course, as well.

We may or may not hire a professional Director of Photography. Factors influencing the decision include cost, weather conditions for the shooting date, and availability.

We have found a light kit, generator, and jib to use for relatively low prices.

The police uniform will be bought (hopefully) from Mr. Fun's Costumes and Magic Emporium in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. After, the costume will be donated to the Malone College Theatre Department.

Negotiations are taking place regarding a police car on location. Hopes are still high.

Filming dates are still March 20th and 21st.