Friday, April 11, 2008

Next Stop, Open Frame

The film is now finished and submitted for the Open Frame Film Festival. I think I can speak for everyone when I say that we are extremely proud of what we have accomplished. Congrats everyone! Only one more week until we have the audience screening we've been waiting for. Thank you everyone for all your support.

Monday, April 7, 2008


This production has been blessed thus far. We are now in post-production, and tech problems have been faced. We are thankful that the problems so far have been quickly dealt with. Picture editing went smoothly with only a few technical bumps with a stubborn external hard drive. Our picture editor was patient, and that helped quite a bit. The sound editor is now adjusting necessary elements and sweetening the sound. A friend and crew member is creating a score that will make this endeavor even better. Things are looking great so far, and we are anticipating the premiere at Open Frame.